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The Disappearance of DeOrr Kunz Jr at Timber Creek Campground in Lemhi County Idaho

The disappearance of two-year-old DeOrr Kunz Jr. on July 10, 2015, remains one of the most perplexing missing person cases in modern history. What started as a family camping trip in the vast and scenic Timber Creek Campground in Lemhi County, Idaho, quickly turned into a nightmare that has left investigators, family members, and the public baffled for years. Despite exhaustive searches, media attention, and numerous theories, the question remains: what really happened to DeOrr Kunz Jr. on that fateful day?

Trip to Timber Creek Campground

Timber Creek Campground, nestled in the remote mountains of Lemhi County, is a picturesque spot, offering stunning views and a sense of tranquility. Located near Leadore, Idaho, it is surrounded by dense forests, rugged terrain, and a nearby creek that provides a serene atmosphere for camping enthusiasts. The campground is popular for its isolation, offering an escape into nature, but this isolation also means that help is far away in case of an emergency.

On the weekend of July 10, 2015, DeOrr Kunz Jr. accompanied his parents—Jessica Mitchell and Vernal DeOrr Kunz Sr.—on a camping trip to Timber Creek. Also joining the family were Jessica’s grandfather, Robert Walton, and his friend, Isaac Reinwand. It was supposed to be a peaceful getaway, a chance to relax and spend time in nature. But within hours of their arrival, tragedy struck.

The Disappearance

According to the accounts given by DeOrr’s parents, the family arrived at Timber Creek Campground on the morning of July 10, 2015. After setting up camp, they spent time enjoying the area, exploring the nearby creek and relaxing. At some point during the early afternoon, DeOrr’s parents said they left him with his great-grandfather, Robert Walton, while they went off to explore the creek, just a short distance away from their campsite.

When they returned, just a few minutes later, DeOrr was nowhere to be found.

The parents immediately began searching the area, calling out for DeOrr and scouring the surroundings. Panic quickly set in as their efforts yielded no results. They soon contacted 911, and a large-scale search was launched to find the missing toddler.

The Search and Rescue Efforts

The search for DeOrr Kunz Jr. was immediate and extensive. Authorities, search and rescue teams, volunteers, and even members of the public quickly mobilized. Over the course of the following days and weeks, helicopters, drones, cadaver dogs, divers, and ground teams scoured the Timber Creek Campground and the surrounding areas. The creek was searched thoroughly, and dogs were brought in to track DeOrr’s scent. Despite these exhaustive efforts, no trace of the boy was found—no footprints, no articles of clothing, no signs of struggle.

The terrain of the area posed its own challenges. The dense forest, uneven ground, and nearby creek made it difficult for search teams to cover every inch of the area. Many speculated that DeOrr might have wandered off and succumbed to the harsh conditions, but without any evidence, this theory remained purely speculative.

As the search continued, attention turned toward the individuals who were with DeOrr that day—his parents, his great-grandfather, and Isaac Reinwand. What had initially seemed like a tragic accident began to take on the characteristics of a deeper mystery.

Inconsistencies in the Stories

As investigators delved into the case, they began to notice discrepancies in the accounts provided by DeOrr’s parents. Initially, both Jessica Mitchell and Vernal Kunz Sr. described leaving DeOrr with his great-grandfather for just a few minutes, but as authorities pressed for more details, their stories began to shift. Small inconsistencies began to emerge regarding the exact sequence of events, where each person had been, and what they were doing at the time of DeOrr’s disappearance.

These inconsistencies led law enforcement to question whether everyone at the campground that day was telling the whole truth. In particular, there was growing suspicion that DeOrr’s parents might be hiding something. However, despite these doubts, no solid evidence emerged that would implicate any of the individuals involved.

Isaac Reinwand, the family friend who had accompanied the Kunz family on the camping trip, also came under scrutiny. Reinwand had a criminal history, and his presence at the campground raised questions for investigators. In addition, he had an hour that was unaccounted for, no one knew where he was or doing during that time, and he hadn’t been forthcoming about his whereabouts for that hour. Still, there was no concrete evidence to suggest that he played a role in DeOrr’s disappearance.

Throughout the investigation, Robert Walton, DeOrr’s great-grandfather, maintained that he had been sitting near the campsite when DeOrr vanished. Walton, who was elderly and in poor health, was not considered a suspect, and authorities largely believed that he had no involvement in the case.

Theories Surrounding DeOrr’s Disappearance

The case of DeOrr Kunz Jr. has generated a variety of theories, each attempting to explain how a two-year-old boy could vanish without a trace. One of the most widely accepted theories is that DeOrr wandered off and became lost in the wilderness. Given the rough terrain, it’s possible that DeOrr ventured too far from the campsite and either succumbed to the elements or was attacked by wild animals. However, the lack of any physical evidence—no clothing, no remains, no sign of a struggle—casts doubt on this theory.

Another theory is that DeOrr was abducted. While Timber Creek Campground is relatively isolated, some have speculated that a stranger could have been lurking in the area and taken the child. This theory, too, faces challenges, as no one reported seeing any suspicious individuals, vehicles, or signs of foul play.

Perhaps the most controversial theory is that DeOrr’s parents were involved in his disappearance. As their stories changed and inconsistencies emerged, public suspicion grew that they might know more than they were letting on. Some have speculated that an accident occurred and that the parents covered it up, while others suggest more sinister possibilities. Despite these suspicions, law enforcement has never been able to produce enough evidence to charge anyone in connection with DeOrr’s disappearance.

Phillip Klein Theories About the Parents Involvement

Phillip Klein, the head of Klein Investigations and Consulting, played a key role in the investigation into the disappearance of two-year-old DeOrr Kunz Jr. His involvement began when the Kunz family hired him to help find their missing son, but over time, Klein’s relationship with the family took a dramatic turn as his investigation led him to suspect that DeOrr’s parents, Jessica Mitchell and Vernal “DeOrr” Kunz Sr., were not being entirely truthful about what happened on that fateful day at Timber Creek Campground.

Klein’s Initial Involvement

Phillip Klein and his Texas-based private investigation firm were brought onto the case several months after DeOrr Kunz Jr. vanished on July 10, 2015. When Klein began his investigation, his initial objective was to determine whether DeOrr had wandered off, was abducted, or met with some other fate. Klein worked independently from law enforcement, conducting interviews, examining evidence, and using his team of investigators to retrace the steps of those who were present at the campground on the day DeOrr disappeared.

At first, Klein and his team approached the case with an open mind, considering all possibilities. They worked closely with DeOrr’s parents, who were cooperative and provided them with their accounts of what happened. Klein even appeared in media interviews alongside the family, discussing the progress of the investigation and offering hope that answers would soon be found. However, as time went on, Klein’s perspective began to change.

Inconsistencies in the Parents’ Stories

As Phillip Klein dug deeper into the case, he began to notice significant inconsistencies in the accounts given by DeOrr’s parents. In particular, the timeline of events surrounding DeOrr’s disappearance seemed to shift in subtle ways each time Jessica Mitchell and Vernal Kunz Sr. were interviewed. While small discrepancies can be normal in stressful situations, Klein found these inconsistencies troubling, especially given the high stakes of the investigation.

One major issue Klein identified was the differing stories about who was responsible for watching DeOrr at the time he vanished. Initially, both parents said that DeOrr had been left in the care of his great-grandfather, Robert Walton, while they explored the nearby creek. However, as Klein reviewed their statements and re-interviewed them, details about the exact sequence of events and their locations started to change. These inconsistencies led Klein to question whether DeOrr had actually been left with his great-grandfather at all.

Additionally, Klein was troubled by the fact that there were no physical signs of DeOrr at the campground. Despite thorough searches by law enforcement, cadaver dogs, and volunteers, no clothing, footprints, or remains had been found. The lack of physical evidence, combined with the parents’ changing stories, raised suspicions for Klein and his team.

The Parents Know More Than They’re Saying

After months of investigation, Phillip Klein publicly stated his belief that DeOrr’s parents were involved in their son’s disappearance, either directly or by covering up an accident. Klein’s working theory was that something had happened to DeOrr at the campsite, and that his parents were withholding crucial information about the event. He suggested that the inconsistencies in their stories were signs of deception, and that they might be trying to protect themselves from legal consequences.

Klein’s theory gained traction with some members of the public, especially as his investigation seemed to uncover more contradictions in the parents’ behavior. For example, Klein pointed out that Vernal Kunz and Jessica Mitchell had failed multiple polygraph tests administered by law enforcement. While polygraph tests are not always reliable and are not admissible in court, the parents’ poor performance on these tests fueled speculation that they were hiding something.

In addition to the failed polygraphs, Klein emphasized the odd behavior of the parents following DeOrr’s disappearance. He noted that they had fired him as their private investigator after he confronted them with his suspicions. In Klein’s view, this decision further indicated that the parents were not interested in finding the truth, but rather in distancing themselves from the investigation.

The Alleged Cover-Up

According to Phillip Klein, the most likely explanation for DeOrr’s disappearance is that an accident occurred at the campground and that the parents covered it up out of fear of being blamed. He theorized that DeOrr might have died accidentally—perhaps by falling into the creek, being injured by wildlife, or suffering from a medical issue—and that the parents, rather than seeking help, panicked and chose to hide the truth.

One aspect of this theory is that DeOrr’s body was never found, despite extensive searches. Klein speculated that if an accident occurred, it’s possible that DeOrr’s remains were either moved or hidden by the parents before they called authorities. This would explain why the search efforts came up empty, even in the immediate aftermath of the disappearance. Klein also believed that the other adults present at the campsite, including Robert Walton and family friend Isaac Reinwand, might have been pressured or convinced to keep quiet about what really happened.

Reactions from the Parents

The theory put forth by Phillip Klein did not sit well with DeOrr’s parents. They have always maintained their innocence and expressed frustration with how the investigation has portrayed them. After Klein publicly accused them of withholding information, the family severed ties with him, claiming that his accusations were baseless and that he was seeking publicity rather than answers.

In interviews, Jessica Mitchell and Vernal Kunz Sr. have consistently denied having any involvement in their son’s disappearance. They have stated that Klein’s theory is not only incorrect but harmful to their efforts to find DeOrr. The parents have also criticized Klein for making his accusations public, arguing that it damaged their reputation and diverted attention from finding their son.

Despite the parents’ denials, Klein has stood by his theory. He has continued to advocate for further investigation into their role in DeOrr’s disappearance and has called on law enforcement to take a closer look at the parents as potential suspects. Klein believes that until the full truth is revealed, DeOrr’s case will remain unsolved.

In 2019, they sued Klein for defamation. According to attorney Allan Browning, that case was thrown out because the judge did not believe enough evidence was provided to prove Klein had slandered Vernal Kunz. 

Continuing Investigation and Public Interest

The case of DeOrr Kunz Jr. continues to capture public attention, even years after the event. The story has been covered extensively in the media, with television specials, podcasts, and online forums dedicated to unraveling the mystery. Despite the passage of time, investigators have not given up on the case, and new leads are occasionally pursued.

DeOrr’s parents, Vernal and Jessica, have both maintained their innocence throughout the investigation. They have repeatedly stated that they had no involvement in their son’s disappearance and have expressed their frustration with the way they have been portrayed by the media and law enforcement. However, their behavior in the aftermath of the event—such as hiring a private investigator and then firing him after he suggested that they were not being entirely truthful—has continued to raise eyebrows.

The lack of resolution in the case has also been difficult for the small community of Leadore. Many locals were involved in the initial search efforts and continue to hold out hope that DeOrr will be found, or that some explanation will come to light. However, with each passing year, the chances of finding new evidence grow slimmer.

The Emotional Toll on Family and Friends

The disappearance of a child is always a heartbreaking event, but for DeOrr’s family and friends, the emotional toll has been immense. In the immediate aftermath of DeOrr’s disappearance, the family was subjected to intense public scrutiny, as media outlets and online sleuths dissected their every move. DeOrr’s parents, in particular, have faced widespread speculation and accusations, which they have repeatedly denied.

Jessica Mitchell and Vernal Kunz Sr. have continued to assert their innocence, and they maintain that they are victims of a tragic accident. However, the strain on their personal lives has been significant. The weight of losing a child, combined with the ongoing suspicion surrounding their actions, has had a profound impact on their mental and emotional well-being.

As for DeOrr’s extended family, including his great-grandfather and other relatives, the lack of answers has been equally devastating. They, too, have been thrust into the spotlight, with many experiencing the anguish of not knowing what happened to their beloved child.

Unanswered Questions

The disappearance of DeOrr Kunz Jr. is a case filled with unanswered questions. How could a toddler vanish so completely, with no physical evidence left behind? Why were there inconsistencies in the stories of those who were present at the campground? Was this a tragic accident, a case of foul play, or something else entirely?

For the Kunz family, the people of Lemhi County, and everyone who has followed this case, the lack of closure is deeply unsettling. Despite the years of searching, theorizing, and investigating, DeOrr remains missing, and the truth of what happened that day remains elusive.


The case of DeOrr Kunz Jr.’s disappearance is one of those rare instances where no single theory fully explains the mystery. Each potential explanation—whether accident, foul play, or abduction—has its own strengths and weaknesses. What is certain, however, is the lasting impact that DeOrr’s disappearance has had on his family and the surrounding community.

Until definitive answers are found, the case remains a haunting reminder of how quickly a life can change, and how some mysteries, even in the modern age, can remain unsolved.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of DeOrr Kunz Jr., please contact the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office at (208) 756-8980. Additionally, tips can be provided to the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI or the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) at 1-800-THE-LOST.

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