20 Weirdest Laws In Newark New Jersey
Newark, New Jersey is known for its vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and bustling city life. However, did you know that there are some pretty strange laws in the city? From restrictions on where you can sell ice cream to rules about what kind of animals you can keep as pets, here are the 20 weirdest laws in Newark, New Jersey.
1. It is illegal to frown at a police officer

2. Pinball machines cannot be played for more than one hour at a time

3. It is illegal to purchase ice cream after 6 p.m. unless you have a note from a doctor

4. It is illegal to fly a kite in any public place in Newark NJ

5. It is illegal to wear a bulletproof vest while committing a crime

6. It is illegal to fatten up a pig or other animal for the purpose of selling it for food

7. It is illegal to keep a pet skunk

8. It is illegal to let your dog or cat mate with a pet from another household without a permit

9. It is illegal to throw a snowball in the street

10. It is illegal to dance or play music in public without a permit

11. It is illegal to throw a ball or other object in the park without a permit

12. It is illegal to wear a hat in a theater

13. It is illegal to feed pigeons in public places

14. It is illegal to ride a horse on a sidewalk

15. It is illegal to have a mattress on your front porch

16. It is illegal to use profanity in a public place

17. It is illegal to take a bath or shower on Sunday

18. It is illegal to play a musical instrument in a public park without a permit

19. It is illegal to give alcoholic beverages to elephants

20. It is illegal to park your car on the street for more than 24 hours

In conclusion, Newark, New Jersey has some pretty strange laws that may leave you scratching your head. Whether it’s restrictions on where you can sell ice cream, what kind of animals you can keep as pets, or how long you can play pinball, these laws are sure to surprise you. While many of these laws are outdated and no longer enforced, it’s still interesting to take a look back at the history of this great city and the laws that were once in place.
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